
school social worker中文是什么意思

  • 学校社会工作人员



  • 例句与用法
  • 4 additional school social workers for new schools
  • How teachers or school social workers provide counselling to students who are worried about their confiscated virtual pets " starving to death " ; and
  • A good working relationship between teachers , school social workers , children and the police is a vital factor to make the school liaison programme successful
  • As many educational and social work bodies have repeatedly urged the government to improve the manning ratio of school social workers , will the government inform this council
  • Ms chau wai yi winnie school social worker ebenezer school home for the visually impaired around 150 volunteers , section heads , students elderly gathered at our school hall excitedly in the afternoon of 12
  • Pplication can be raised through the family service social workers , medical social workers , school social workers , etc . ( the referring worker ) of the social welfare department or the non - government organizations
  • Application can be raised through the social workers ( the referring worker ) from the family services , integrated family services , medical social workers , school social workers , etc . under the social welfare department or the non - government organizations
  • School social worke : school social workers work with teachers , administrators , counselors , psychologists , nurses and parents to integrate information from all of these sources with the student ' s overall social , emotional , behavioral , and adaptive functioning at school
    学校社会工作:学校社会工作者的工作与老师、管理员、学校顾问、学校心理学家、学校护理、父母的合作,并且学校社会工作者从所有这些的来源集成资讯提供给社会,情感, 、关于行为和能适应作用的支持来对孩子,儿童的家庭和学校。
  • The school values communication and link with the families of our students . since the establishment of the parent - teacher association in october , 1993 , a great variety of activities have been organised for the parents of our students and teachers . with the help of the school social worker , a number of counselling programmes have been run through which the parents learn the skills of counselling their children
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
School social workers are one of the three professional pupil services groups that provide counseling services to children and adolescents in schools in the United States. School social workers have worked in schools for over 100 years and are recognized in a majority of U.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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